Contract consulting is one of the key areas of a lawyer’s work, the quality of which determines the mechanics of your relationship with counterparties and the subsequent effectiveness of the sale of goods and services. The provisions of the contract and how competently it spells out the terms and conditions (as well as takes into account the industry specifics of the company) determines whether the company will incur losses in the future.
Savina Legal lawyers provide comprehensive support to businesses on issues of drafting contracts, and also advise companies on the development of local regulations. Having extensive experience in litigation support allows us to take a strategic look at drafting our clients’ contracts, taking into account industry risks and possible changes in the market situation.
Large transaction support for the acquisition of port cranes by a Russian company from a Chinese manufacturer for the amount of 13 billion rubles with the inclusion in the contract of a suspensive condition on the return of the advance payment in the event that the supplier concludes a replacement transaction for the purchase of cranes with a third party.
Development of a draft agreement between a large Russian company and a foreign counterparty with a complex structure of mutual obligations.